Youths of today always make career choices some out of advice from parents, some out of lust for money. Some just copy what their friends do. But very few make career choice based on their God-given talents. It should be brought to notice that career choice is a decision that should be made with carefulness because it determines the life after school, i.e. it could fulfil a destiny or delay it if not destroy it.
There are so many factors that affects the way youths choose their careers. The most common factors are;
- Financial Reward: Financial gain from an occupation can attract a lot of youths to choose a career even if they do not have what it takes. For Example, many young Nigerians want to be footballers, bankers etc.
- Subjects offered in the school: Some subjects are technical in nature no doubt, but many students fail to understand the fact that no subject is difficult for a determined student. Due to fear of some subjects or teachers, some students make wrong career choices in order to avoid them.
- Economic Conditions: Another factor is economic factor. Sometimes, the high rate of unemployment is the reason students leave their areas of interest and take up other career.
All these factors among others are relevant to career choice, but a keen observation of a child brings about the child self-discovery which is an integral part career choice and preparation for the life after school. It is worthy of note that passing out of academic career is not just for giving you a gainful employment but to make you more productive.
Conclusively, “Without counsel, purposes are disappointed but in the multitude of counsellors. They are established. Proverb 15:22”. Career counselors play a vital role in helping students make a good career choice and thereafter enjoy life after school.
Mrs. Maria U. Peter